About 12Stone Church

Everybody Can Take a Next Step


Our History

November 1987 — 1990

Crossroads Church Opened by Kevin Myers

12Stone Church was founded as Crossroads Church by Kevin Myers on November 1, 1987. Kevin, with his wife Marcia, and three couples, relocated from Michigan to Greater Gwinnett County to plant a church that would be relevant, fun, challenging and impacting for generations.

This photo shows the inside of the General Cinema Theater, our first meeting place.

June 1988

1st Salvation & Baptism – Tony Alper

Tony Alper received Christ on August 17th, 1987. This happened while PK was canvasing houses telling people about the Gospel and the new church he was starting.

This picture shows him Moments before being baptized in the summer of 1988.

1990 — November 7, 1993

The Jazzercise Days

After meeting in the movie theater, we met in this Jazzercise facility off Pike Street in Lawrenceville and a dinner theatre (off Beaver Ruin Rd) until our first permanent home was built.

November 7, 1993

Our 1st Permanent Home

After five years of worshiping in several temporary facilities, the Collins Hill worship center allowed us to put down our roots and serve hundreds in the community. During this season, our vision was “to reach as many people as possible, for as long as God allows us to serve.”


Edwards Property

Doug Edwards, who did not attend our church, shared our heart to reach the lost and donated 13 acres on the corner of Calvin Davis Circle and Hwy 20.


The Edwards Campus

Eight hundred people relocated to the new campus, and we doubled in size within months.


A Big Vision and a Prayerful Purchase

We purchased 69 additional acres to carry out a vision that was bigger than we could imagine or afford: to reach tens-of-thousands locally, hundreds-of-thousands nationally and internationally, and perhaps millions more through the generational impact of our families.


Edwards 2

In order to accomodate more people, we expanded the Edwards campus. For the “Edwards 2” Groundbreaking we stood around the footprint of the building that would contain the 1,000-seat worship center.

March 2007

One Church, Many Locations

To relieve members of the community traveling from the Hamilton Mill area to Central Campus in Lawrenceville, we decided to bring the church to them by opening the first Hamilton Mill campus in March 2007. The 350-seat worship center, with video teaching and a live worship band, combined a small church feel with big church benefits.

November 2007

Crossroads Becomes 12Stone

God guided us to change our name to 12Stone Church, marking a new beginning! Illustrating our mission, “12Stone” served to reclaim our distinctiveness and gain ground in biblical heritage. We crossed our own symbolic “Jordan River” and took possession of our Hwy 20 Campus and our expanding mission: to carry the favor of God as a force for good to cover our county and beyond.


Bold Crossing

In January, we opened the newly constructed Central Campus. A greater square footage provided more room to serve a greater number of adults and children. Central Campus included five worship environments: a 2,600-seat worship center for adults, a 450-seat high school worship center, a 300-seat middle school worship center, and two additional youth ministry worship centers. Our “church-in-the-park” setting provided us an environment for community, relaxation and to experience the presence of God.

October 2009

Reaching Hall County with Flowery Branch campus

2009 also brought the opening of our third campus, Flowery Branch, extending our mission to reach the lost in neighboring Hall County. This opening quickly drew surging crowds to its 500-seat worship space on Martin Rd in Flowery Branch. Today, between the three services, the campus averages a weekend attendance of 1500 and offers thriving middle and high school ministries.

September 16, 2010

12Stone: Fastest Growing Church in America

12Stone Church was named the Number 1 fastest growing church in America and the 40th largest church in America in the annual Outreach 100 ranking in Outreach Magazine. Outreach reported a growth of 30% from the previous year.

October 2011

John Maxwell Leadership Center Announced

As another decade unfolds in 12Stone history, so does an expanded vision – to reach the lost, serve the least and raise up leaders. The John Maxwell Leadership Center will be modeled after the “teaching hospital” concept in which interns and pastors will have access to leadership training by John Maxwell’s EQUIP® International Leadership Training program, as well as on-the-job experience. The center will also house 12Stone’s third campus – Sugarloaf – and John Maxwell’s corporate offices.

May 17, 2013

25th Anniversary Celebration

In May 2013, 11,000 from 4 campuses gathered at The Gwinnett Arena to celebrate 25 years of God’s Goodness at 12Stone and set the course for our future.

Sugarloaf Campus
February 2, 2014

Sugarloaf Grand Opening

After meeting in their temporary location for two years where weekly attendance grew to nearly 800, the new building opens complete with a 1,000 seat worship center and substantial space for Children’s Ministry.

March 5, 2014

John C. Maxwell Leadership Center Opening

At The John C. Maxwell Leadership Center, 12Stone® Church in partnership with The John Maxwell Company, EQUIP and Wesleyan Investment Foundation, will ultimately shape the next generation of ministry leadership while honoring the leadership legacy of John C. Maxwell.

January 11, 2015

5 Campus Launch

Five campuses launch in temporary facilities on the same Sunday! Campuses in Bethlehem, Braselton, Buford, Grayson, and Snellville.

September 18, 2016

Braselton Campus Opens

In September 2016 we opened permanent facilities in Braselton & Snellville

Snellville Campus
September 18, 2016

Snellville Campus Opens

In September 2016 we opened permanent facilities in Braselton & Snellville

August 5, 2018

Buford Campus Grand Opening

12Stone Home
April 2020

The launch of 12Stone Home

In what was suppose to be a stepping stone during the COVID-19 pandemic turned into a cornerstone for how 12Stone does church and community as a whole. 12Stone Home rapidly went national with home gatherings in over 15 states and even global in over 7 countries.

September 26, 2021

New Leadership

Jason Berry announced as Co-Senior Pastor to one day lead 12Stone Church.

September 18, 2022

Jackson County Campus Opens

Founding Pastor Kevin prays over new Senior Pastor, Jason Berry
August 6, 2023

Jason Berry becomes Senior Pastor

12Stone celebrated the succession of our founding pastor, Kevin Myers, and welcomed our new senior pastor, Jason Berry!

Athens Campus
March 3, 2024

Athens Campus Opens

12Stone Church’s new Athens, Georgia campus celebrated a grand opening that exceeded expectations. The inaugural Sunday service witnessed an overwhelming response from the community, with the building reaching capacity and overflow parking utilized. Every chair filled and the bustling activity reflected the high level of interest and enthusiasm from Athens residents.


What do the
stones stand for?

After God held back the flood-waters of the Jordan River,
the children of Israel crossed over on dry ground into the Promised Land.

Once on the other side, one leader from each of the 12 tribes took a
stone from the middle of the river and stacked it on the shore.
This twelve-stone memorial would serve to remind future generations of the rescuing hand of God.

12Stone Leadership

See All
Fun Photo Front Photo
Jason Berry Senior Pastor
Fun Photo Front Photo
Kevin Myers Founding Pastor
Fun Photo Front Photo
Dan Vander Wal Executive Pastor
Fun Photo Front Photo
Dan Reiland Executive Director of Leadership Expansion

12Stone Church is a local expression of The Wesleyan Church. We are an elder governed, staff led congregation that strives to equip God’s people for meaningful ministry.

Every year, 12Stone undergoes a full financial audit by an independent CPA firm. Copies of the current audit are available to members upon request through info@12stone.com

The Bible

The sole basis of our belief is the Bible. The Scripture in its entirety is composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, which originated with God, and was given through the instrumentality of many different chosen authors.



We believe that there is one living, true, holy God, eternally existent in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life. Christ was fully man and fully God, walked our earth, lived a life of obedience, suffered at the hands of men, and died on the cross. He fully atoned for the sins of all, was bodily resurrected, and enthroned at God’s right hand as our Intercessor.



The central purpose of God’s revelation in Scripture is to call people to fellowship with Himself described as follows:

  1. Humankind was specially created but is now tragically lost apart from God’s redeeming grace.
  2. Each person can be made new in Christ by the Holy Spirit and thereafter continuously grow in the knowledge of God.
  3. Salvation is wholly a work of God’s free grace, received by repentance and faith.


The Christian Life

The essential accompaniment of a genuine saving relationship with Jesus Christ is a life of holiness and obedience, attained by believers as they yield to the Holy Spirit. As the believer submits more fully to the Lordship of Christ, the Holy Spirit releases the power that enables the believer to be pure in heart and totally dedicated to God. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is both instantaneous and progressive, guiding in understanding and empowering for fruitful service.


The Church

We believe that all believers become members with one another in the church universal with Christ as the head. God’s people who acknowledge Jesus as Savior and Lord should meet regularly for worship and prayer with the ultimate purpose of loving God and fulfilling the Great Commission.


Human Destiny

We believe the Scriptures clearly teach that there is a conscious personal existence after death described as follows:

  1. All who die without faith in Christ will suffer eternally without Christ, while those who believe in Christ as Savior will enjoy eternal life.
  2. Christ will return to judge the world, receive the saved, and rule the world in righteousness.


Faith & Practice

Scripture is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. This church seeks to impact the community by accurately interpreting doctrinal truth for the benefit and growth of both the seeker and the believer. 12Stone Church recognizes that it cannot bind the conscience of individual members in areas where Scripture is silent. Rather, each believer is to be led in those areas by the Lord, to whom we are all ultimately responsible.