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We need each other.
“Prior to small group, my spouse and I had difficulty communicating and felt like we were the rare few newlyweds who couldn’t understand each other. Going to our couples small group helps us understand that most people struggle at times with similar situations, learning to put God first in our daily life with individually and shared time focusing on the Lord helps us strengthen our relationship together. Fellowship with like-minded Christians seeking similar things is a necessity that cannot be taken for granted.”
“As a leader of a Men’s small group and having a group with my wife doing couples it’s amazing how much I actually receive from the group rather than what I am giving. Especially when it comes to men it’s amazing to see them opening up with one another and feeling comfortable to do it. All of us are either going through something or coming out of it and we can help each other through our struggles.”
“When Covid started, a lot of things unraveled in our marriage. I felt defeated, and was ready to give up on my marriage. A friend encouraged me to try ReEngage. I was angry at God and felt alone in all of this chaos. When we went in to our group with reservations, I didn’t think it would help us. As weeks went by, we began to see a difference in each other individually, and together. Our leaders were really proactive and helping our marriage survive. They recommended amazing Christian counselors for us. We are now three years into couples therapy and have survived the hardest season of our lives. We understood that we are both broken in many ways but there was a way to get out of that dark pit. We are forever thankful for our leaders, the ReEngage book, and God.”
“My wife and I joined 12Stone about 5 years ago. 12Stone is a large church and we needed relationships to feel at home. Small groups helped fill the void. Iron does indeed sharpen iron.”
“It's been a huge blessing to me to meet and share my walk with other men at 12Stone. The men's small group as well as the couples small groups have created friendships with people who want to pray and invest in your life and allow you to do likewise.”